I'm Forrest. 🐟

Cend · Digital Product re-design and film


Overview Cend Journey

Bain’s work with this major finch company primarily focussed on solving issues around on boarding potential customers, and making the sigh-up process more user-friendly.

My role in this project begins once the case work was wrapped. I rebranded the product as Cend, recreating the scenes, and produced a film that highlighted the process that ADAPT and Bain undertook to create the massive improvements seen in the product today.

Cend's original sign-up process was lengthy, requiring more than 5 steps and 18 fields. The ADAPT team reduced these down to a single page, and were keen to show this off in the sanitiesed designs and film I was working on.

In creating the sanitised version of the product, I devised a new hypothetical name and logo that evoked the improvements that ADAPT had produced during the case work.

ADAPT videos had previously been primarily focussed on showcasing the product. For this film, it was our goal to concisely show this too, but additionally highlight the work done by the case team to create a user-centred experience.

Sanitise Mobile Redesign

Sanitising Cend so the case work and product could be shared required us to create a new visual identity for the product, whilst simultaneously keeping intact the hard work done by the ADAPT team. Dark and neon themes were played with, before settling on the trusting yet energetic screens you see today.

Below are some examples of icon exploration, finding a balance between fluid movement and restraint. Micro-animations after the initial designs reinforced the unique character of the product.

The Film Cend Product Story

Watch the entire final film below.

The video was created following a long storyboarding and scriptwriting process. I was careful to consider that the objective of the video was to not just illustrate the final product, but the process taken to get there. Fast-paced transitions between graphs and screens kept the information fresh and uplifting.

Motion was used to reinforce and heighten the improvements introduced by the Bain team, namely the fluid and simple sigh-up process. Motion concepts in the product were later developed in the final film, creating a cohesive visual experience.