Time Filmsยท Various Through the Years
2015 - Present.
Below are various films I have made that loosely explore similar concepts of time as a malleable and non-linear material. If a photograph is believed to freeze a moment in time forever, and film/video is understood as a series or montage of individual images, then surely moving footage contains a sculptural, physical quality.
These short films represent a growing personal exploration of how film can be used to play with time as a material; using it to reveal, call to attention, and meditate on the spaces and movements we encounter as humans.
Premiere After Effects Video Editing Film Equiptment
The Project Hilaria
Exploring time distortion as a way of exploring and uncovering our visual surroundings. Simultaneously empowering the physicality of revealing the moment, and liquifying the perpetual elements of time. Shot at the Louvre in Paris France.

The Project Shaped Series
Juxtaposing locked and walled geometries with melting and evaporating represenatations of time. In a Bauhausian fashion, recognising that in order to make sense of our society's complex yet conservative viewpoint on time, we must release our previous conceptions, and return to the fundamental qualities of our world: shape, space, movement.
The Project D'Orsay
Enlongating moments, freezing eternities. Alan Watts.