I'm Forrest. 🐟

Optimise · Theoretical Use Case For Quantum Computing


The Project An Exercise in Imagining Future Technologies

The following project is an exercise in examining how future technologies can be leveraged to lift and shift current social and technological trends. Much of the project focussed on research, with a follow-up ‘product’ that responded to the information I gathered.

A subsequent case-study and product promotion video allowed me to use my research to develop my screen and motion design practices.

Optimise is a service that uses Quantum computer servers and mobile interfaces to offer reliable, accurate, and fast image processing and adjustments to make sure your social media stays cohesive and contemporary. By providing a range of Optimisations, as well as being able to pull qualities from popular iamges to your own pictures, Optimise dynamically alters your imagery to its greatest potential. Using Quantum computation and quantum neural nets from our own quantum computers, Optimise is able to assist classical machine learning and image processing through new quantum alogrithms that behave similarly to the Generative Advaserial Networks popularised in the late 2010s. Building off of this, Optimise leverages Quantum Computing's ability to move through big data, meaning Optimise takes the best of the best of social media, and gives it to you.

An Emerging Future Quantum Computers

What the eye observes is not necessarily the truth. In fact, the idea of truth is a construct created by humans to make the world more easily understood. However, reality is more nuanced; it requires something more detailed than yes and no, or 1s and 0s. Classical computers have limitations in how they represent information to us. With the emergence of Quantum computers, there is soon to be a paradigm shift in how we interact with big data, machine learning, natural phenomena, and communication. What we think of as truth is changing, and it's coming on the backs of a Quantum Computing revolution.

My research took me from the Classical physics to cryptography and topographic quantum computers. In this mind map, you can see how quantum computers are intertwined in science, technology, textiles, economy, and security.

In Action Case Study

Optimise can be setup in preferences to suit a number of desires and needs. In this case study, we look at Sam, a 23 year old Instagram influencer looking to expand his demographic, impress his sponsors, and overall offer a more cohesive aesthetic to his followers. Sam is a creative, and wants to feel like the pictures are his, but is open to exploring new ways of expression and gaining more influence. Always on the move, Sam can't afford to have his own Quantum Computer editing suite or spend too much time studying emerging trends on Instagram, but he wants to stay current in an era of professional social media.